The place to be to alchemize your energy, unlock unshakeable confidence, and actualize your holy f*ck yes dream life 🧲

This is where you Align with your Highest Timeline, and Embody your FULL Power 👉 with Tapping Activations, Reality Shifting Trainings & Your Own Hype Squad of SoulFamily.

Ready to go from doubting your magic 👉 to your next quantum leap?!...


Look, love...

All of your souls juicy desires are actually “future memories” that you’re tapping into...

A reality that ALREADY exists!!...

And it’s just a matter of aligning with the FREQUENCY of it— through your embodiment here and NOW!

We attract what's resonant to who we are & how we feel...

The thing is, it's not always easy to hold the vibe and continue show up as your most powerful and abundant self when life gets challenging, and you don't know how it's all going to work out.

This is why making your vibration your number one priority is the name of the game...

How we feel and who we BE impacts what we DO, and the outcomes we experience.

That means it's your duty to do what brings you joy, clear the shit that's not serving you, program yourself for success, and live in alignment with who you truly are!!

When we come together to do this powerful work in COMMUNITY (and celebration)— we amplify each others intentions, energy and manifestations 1111x more!🎉🚀🎉🚀

But let’s be real...

You’re not just here to “manifest” things or obsess over the next milestones you want to reach…

You’ve been there done that, and it burnt you the f*ck out and left you unfulfilled.

You’re not here for surface level feel good fluff either…

You’re here to go deeper…

You're here for self actualization...

You’re here to continue to expand your consciousness, evolve your BEING, and embody your most liberated self— beyond the old programming and distortions that have been keeping you small or stuck.

You’re here to DEFY LOGIC, make your wildest dreams your reality, bet on your own success, and have an outrageously magical life and business that fills you up from the inside out.

And you’re craving a community and sisterhood with other powerful souls who hype you up, see you and celebrate with you!!💃

Am I right!?🙌🙌🙌


The VIBE CLUB is your exclusive playground of possibility, designed to offer continued support you as you elevate to new heights on your journey of exponential growth, spiritual empowerment & limitless potential....

Where you’ll receive...

👉 Monthly Light Language + Tapping Activations to support you with opening your gifts, transcending limitations, upgrading your DNA & anchoring in higher frequencies on a cellular level 🧬

👉Pop up live workshops and trainings to transform your mentality and reality-- personally and professionally.

👉A full on library of trainings, activations and mini courses to unlock your subconscious superpowers, build unshakeable confidence, expand your emotional intelligence, and master the art of conscious creation. 

👉A bomb community of amazing humans who dream as big as you & are here to elevate the vibe of the planet-- our Kick Off Party starts on 4/8!

👉Collaborations, Masterminding, Celebrations + weekly downloads and channeled guidance from me inside of our Telegram community. 

👉Dozens of EFT Tapping videos & hypnosis audios to tap into your limitless potential & activate abundance.

All for less than $4 a day!!!🤯

Yes, really-- less than a daily matcha latte.🍵

I’m giving you a full on holy SHIFT— silly not to say YES opportunity to HAVE IT ALL.


Inside of the Vibe Club, a portal of infinite possibilities awaits…

👉 This is YOUR SPACE to plug into any time you need a pick me up after slipping into fear, doubt, and questioning your magic...

👉 This is YOUR SPACE receive loads of trainings, powerful activations, identity upgrades, channeled guidance and much much more...

👉 This is YOUR SPACE grow and evolve personally, professionally, AND spiritually...

👉This is YOUR SPACE to celebrate your wins, collab with amazing humans, and receive ongoing support as you uplevel…

I'm creating the kind of community and space I WISH I HAD to plug into throughout my journey-- for all those times I felt alone or like no one understood what this wild ride is like.

And tbh, I’m creating this for you AND for me, so we can quantum leap together!🚀 



Be honest, have you been...

😕 Sucked into self doubt or impostor syndrome, even tho you KNOW your shit, and what’s possible for you?

😕 Hung up on the “how” and the “when”, overly attached to outcomes, and not sure what the hell to do next?

😕 Inspired and on fire one minute— to then uncertain or stuck the next?😖

😕 Overwhelmed by stress in life or business and ready to make your inner peace a priority?!🙌 

😕 Letting the fear of failure or rejection keep you from going bigger with your souls work and fully shining your light? 

You’re not alone love— I've been there too— many times, and it’s not fun! 😅

I know that you're the kind of person who always goes after whatever you desire...and just because you feel stuck right now-- you're still going to do whatever it takes to move through it.

What you're craving right now is to get off the hamster wheel & experience more ease and flow-- so you can have more time, energy and abundance to do more of what you LOVE.

You just need an energetic boost and a loving and empowering community to plug into + reality bending (mystical & practical) tools to support you as you continue to expand.

You and I both know you're here for BIG THANGS (soul mission status), and you're ready to fully own your magic, your power, your magnetism, and make your life a living masterpiece! 

I get it love— things have felt challenging over the last year or so…

So many things changed, you went through a major death and rebirth...

You felt like you fell off track or went "backwards"...

You let go of things, people, and ways of being that no longer served you...

You slacked with your spiritual practices for the sake of “doing, doing, doing”…and getting things done…

You've been low key judging your own process and journey and feeling shame about it all...

And sometimes you still feel like your next level desires are so far off in the distant future--  even tho let's be real- you know you can collapse time and quantum leap.😉

I know it can be challenging to hold the vision and vibe when you don’t see reality reflecting it all just yet, or when life throws you a curve ball— trust me, I get it! #BeenThere

That’s the ongoing practice tho!!  It’s the epitome of “THE work”— being it and believing it even BEFORE reality gives you all the evidence...

AND— taking the action + trusting in God/Source to co-create with you.

THAT is EMBODYING YOUR POWER regardless of what reality is reflecting, and sourcing your happiness and joy from WITHIN.

The truth is— reality reflects who you’re BEING, and your dominant vibration— everything is energy...

And when we embody our power— our KNOWING— right here, right now in THIS moment — we open ourselves up to INFINITE possibilities.

We need to be f*cking delusional with our hearts desires— bc magic defies logic!🤌


The Vibe Club is designed to support you with alchemizing your energy, transcending limited "not self" programming, and supercharging your manifestations...


When you join, you'll have access to ALL OF THIS...

👉Monthly Light Language + Tapping Activations to anchor in higher frequencies on a cellular level🧬 + a full on library of trainings, activations and mini courses as follows (+ more secret trainings not listed here AND more to come)

👉Private Telegram community for sisterhood,  masterminding, celebrating, SoulFam vibes + weekly downloads and channeled guidance from me. (Priceless)

👉 Modern Magic for Quantum Manifestation: 5 part mini course sharing the tools for transformation to Master Your Subconscious Superpowers & Magnetize Abundance. ($888 Value)

👉 Divine Inheritance: 5 Part  Transmission supporting your Spiritual Evolution and reclamation of our Divine birthright to LIVE in a state of Joy & Abundance. ($888 Value)

👉 Embodied Conviction: 3 part transmission to go from “idk what’s next for me!”— to— “This is who the f*ck I am and what I’m masterful at!!!” ($397 Value)

👉Dozens of EFT Tapping videos, hypnosis audios from my MindSHIFT Magic program to Crush Limiting Beliefs, Manifest More Money, & Transform Your Mindset In Just 21 Days. Available after your first 30 days. ($497 Value)


👉Additional Pop Up members only workshops based on the collective desires of Vibe Club members (YOU).😉

👉Members only special pricing for offers and programs outside of The Vibe Club!🙌


Past clients and students have been raving about their inner AND outer results!

I want to celebrate YOU next!!


For just $47 for your first month, then $99/month going forward!🫡 ...

When you commit to a minimum of 3 months-- watch your reality transform before your eyes...

OR you can sign up for 6 months up front, and receive a bonus Crystal Power Pendant made by yours truly (Valued at $200) only for the first 10 founding members! 🦄

I value community & sisterhood,  I value YOUR results— and I value the power of this work together.

That’s why I want people like you, who are ready to go deep…

Who aren’t here to just come and go…

Who are here to get the absolute most out of this…

Who are here to play full out, collaborate with each other, and rise TOGETHER!

Ready to do this!?



$47 for the first 30 days!



Pay in full for 6 months!

Plus bonus Crystal Power Pendant


Hear what past clients have to share...

It was such an uplifting, activating group and experience.  I’m already a successful entrepreneur.  I’ve been a matchmaker for 20 years, an energy worker, and an auth or of 5 books.  I’ve got the career stuff down, but who doesn’t need a reboot and injection of energy to keep the abundance flowing!  I attracted $16,000 in business and I feel its because of the energy around Stephanie’s course.

-Marla Martenson

I went in, had no idea what I was going to deal with, and had no idea how deep this was going to go, but... I came out, a different person.

These shifts are so freaking deep, I can’t even put them in words, but I feel like there is no more Limit to what I can and want to achieve for healing this one particular thing.

-Anita Garza

Since working with Stephanie, I’ve been able to dial into who I am at a soul level, align with my purpose, and feel the joy that my business brings me.  In result, I’ve had more followers flowing in, new clients, and I can see what the future holds. 

-Christie Cappozi

Within 3 weeks I experienced one of the most financial abundant months from my business than I had ever experienced this year!

If you are looking for a guide and mentor to take you to a whole new, spiritual level with yourself and your business, 100% recommend Stephanie and her programs!!

-Taylor Diana

Hey beautiful soul!

I'm so excited to guide through your journey of personal and spiritual evolution + being the conscious creator of your life.

👆That’s my jam because I've been LIVING it for the last 2 decades.

I used to be shy as f*ck, let people walk all over me, and felt like a victim to my circumstances — and never would have imagined myself to be the woman I am today.

My wake up call happened when I was a just a teenager, and in an abusive relationship for years— until the day I finally stepped into my f*cking power and realized that I AM THE CREATOR of my experience...

Which also meant taking responsibility for my creation, and prioritizing my inner work, spiritual practices, and vibrational frequency.

The journey of creating your most epic life AND living out your purpose isn't all rainbows and butterflies tho...

It brings shit up—all the things that are not actually WHO YOU ARE (your programming & conditioning).

What I’ve learned after 20 years on my personal/spiritual growth journey, 12+ years as an entrepreneur, and the ever expanding knowledge, skills, and personal embodied experiences (HD line 6 Role Model comin in HOT)…is that this isn’t about some end all be all destination…

It’s not about getting some result or thing that you put on a finally feel like you’ve made it and are “enough”.

It’s about REMEMBERING you already ARE...

It is then that we become naturally magnetic. 

All of the inner + energetic work I’ve done over the years, has helped me come home to who I AM...

It’s helped me grow spiritually  open my multidimensional gifts + intuition, build more confidence, and serve in much bigger ways...

It’s helped me call in my soul family of friends, impact tens of thousands of women across the globe, and create a life and biz that allows me more freedom, fulfillment & flow.

And I'm just getting warm.

 Anything is possible babe. Let's quantum leap together!

xo Stephanie Sage