* Quantum Manifestation for Abundance Activation Video Lesson where I share how to apply this to attracting more abundance in all ways. I break it down to easily understand and apply to your life right now.
* Quantum Manifestation Meditation Journey to Download Codes from the "YOU" who's living in the reality where it's already done. You probably know by now, that your consciousness creates your reality-- this Meditation will support you in aligning with your desired reality, & shifting your frequency.
* Manifest, the Quantum Way Guide / Workbook-- This is more than a workbook. I break down the whole concept and practice of Multidimensional (Quantum) Manifestation in this 35+ page Guide.
* Power Mantras Audio with 423 HZ Frequency to shift your vibration & re-program your unconscious mind. This is super activating and will support you in shifting at the unconscious level & feeling empowered AF to Be, do, and have it all.
What if your dream reality is a “future memory”?...
That goal you have...that experience you desire... the money you see yourself attracting, the clients you are attracting, etc.
What if those desires are there, because you’re connecting with the energy of the existence that already is, in the field of infinite possibilities?
You can see it, feel it, get excited about it.
Yet, you also may notice lots of resistance come up (which is really just a gift to learn what needs to be shifted).
It’s kind of like a radio signal that you just need to tune into.
Sometimes when you try to tune into it, it’s fuzzy, and you can’t quite make it out...
But if you’re in the right spot, it clears up and plays clearly.
It’s still playing regardless of where you are tho.
This is what happens when you clear up the resistance in the way of you magnetizing those “future visions” in this now moment.
You literally make a Quantum Jump into a new timeline, and everything re arranges itself to fit that vision.
Let me show you how. ;-)
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