The Activation Bundle

This bundle is PACKED with loads of content to support you with mastering your vibrational frequency, opening your gifts and channel, attracting more money flow, and embodying your highest self. 

Of course you’ll learn how to apply this to your biz and soul work as well!!!

You’ll receive FOUR separate mini courses (10 activating trainings)- Quantum Upgrades, Galactivation, Mystery Bundle, and Made for Millions— and will be able to dive into the content right away.

I see you, babe.

You're a multidimensional, mission-driven soul who is ready to fully embody your innate magnetism and gifts to step into your next level of abundance.

In order to Quantum Leap, we must go there first in who we BE, and the bold actions we take.

It's time to SHOW YOURSELF that you're f*cking worth it, and then some.

In these trainings, I am going to show you how to anchor into your desires on a cellular level (aka you embody the version of you who already has it), transmute dense energy, open your channel, and become magnetic AF.

I'll also mention you're receiving all of this for a literally a fraction of what these trainings would be priced at separately.  You're welcome. ;)

Quantum Upgrades: 3 part transmission

JUST BY EXISTING, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.  And when you’re fully embodied in your power, and GIFTS— who you BE, and what you DO is potently magnetic and impactful.

Which of course translates to greater abundance in ALL ways.

You will receive 3 potent transmissions / trainings (about an hour each), Light Language Activations, and a bonus Quantum Manifestation Meditation Journey  that will create a powerful shift in your vibrational frequency, AND reality so that you can more easily and effortlessly RECEIVE.

✅ Reach more people with your sacred services (they're literally drawn to your energy), and tripling your monthly/yearly income, with ease.

✅ Feel more confident in yourself and your gifts and abilities than you ever have.

✅ Have greater levels of energy, excitement, inspiration  certainty, and FLOW & a stronger and more clear connection with Spirit.

✅-Effortlessly turning on the faucet of financial flow because you will know it's always available.

✅ Receive more high level, soul aligned clients who vibe with the new frequency you're embodying & who you absolutely LOVE working with.

✅ Experience more enriching relationships and connections with the people (new and old) that are in your life.

✅ Experience more of what you truly desire in life-- like travel whenever you want, finding and connecting with more soul family, consistently growing your income, and having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, as much as you want-- knowing that the faucet of FLOW is always on.


Galactivation Light Language Masterclass

If you've been feeling the pull to Open your Channel, or have already begun opening your Language of Light-- you are going to love this!

Light Language is a multidimensional form of communication that spans across all time and dimensions & speaks directly to your SOUL & your cells.

Whether you channel it, or receive it-- it still has the same powerful effect, and will support you in transcending old belief systems and paradigms, release lower vibrational energies, and activate your gifts in a more potent way.

In this 2.5 hour training + activation, you will prepare yourself to begin, or expand on opening your channel & Divine expression & allow yourself to RECEIVE with more ease through transcending old paradigms and belief systems on a cellular level.


Magical Mystery Bundle: 3 Potent Transmissions

The vibe of these transmissions:  Magnetism, Mysticism, and Money.

✅  Magnetism-- Master YOUR unique energy, to attract what you desire... FLOW vs Force.

✅  Mysticism-- Tap into & expand your gifts & manifest through parallel realities (the Quantum way).

✅  Money- Shift your relationship to money and understand the vibration of abundance, to unlock more financial flow.


Made For Millions Series:

3 Codes to Align Your Frequency to the Millionaire You.

You’ll learn…

✅ How to actively and consistently HOLD the vibration of your desires *BEFORE* it shows up on your reality.

✅ Identity shifting practices to embody that version of you in the now + actions to take immediately.

✅ Receiving in moderation, vs receiving in OVERFLOW -- what the difference is energetically & belief wise.

✅ Following your personal energy and alignment + bending reality as you do so.

✅ The 3 common resistance roadblocks that keep people stuck from receiving at their NEXT LEVEL + how to shift shit fast.

✅ Energy clearing and upgrading to align with your + desired timeline.

✅ Re-code your reality by understanding what old programs may still be running + how to shift.

 And more!

All together, you’re receiving over 8 hours of content, and embodiment + implementation work & lifetime access to all content!!!

The normal pricing for all of this is valued over $1000. YOURS NOW FOR $333!!

Click here if you prefer payment plan.


All sales are final.

$333.00 USD

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