$111.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Social Star Pay Plan

Uplevel your Marketing, Messaging & Money 

This is a 3 part training where you will learn how step up your presence & magnetism on line, so you can stand out, sell out and take your spiritual business to the next level.  
If you are a coach, healer, service based entrepreneur and you want to reach more people (or call in a new type of clientele), potently and clearly share your offers & expertise, hit higher income months with more ease & do it all in a way that supports YOUR unique energy + highlights your natural zone of genius —  THIS is the Masterclass for you!
I’m going to teach you the exact aligned strategies that have helped me quickly grow my audience and impact on various platforms & build a multiple 6 figure business just by being ME.  I’ll also be sharing the mindset and energetics behind it all + how to run your business in alignment with your natural energy, so it can finally feel more FUN!!
  • Stand out & show up with SOUL on social media — so dream clients drool over your offers + are ALL IN.
  • Organically grow your audience on different platforms (FB, IG, YT, podcasting).
  • Launch your programs in a way that feels EXCITING (vs draining AF) on social media.
  • Leverage video to grow your audience & attract new clients on the gram + sell from SOUL on IG stories. 
  • Increase your reach, views,  and engagement on all platforms & create magnetic AF content.
  • Feel so fu*king POTENT with messaging and offers that excite the sh*t out of you 
  • Have "hell yes", pay in full SOUL aligned clients hitting YOU up in the DM's.
  • Intro to HD-- Make biz easy AF by aligning to your Human Design.
This is a self study program.  When you sign up, you will get instant access to all content. <3