Divine Inheritance

Divine Inheritance is a 5 Part Quantum Transmission supporting our Spiritual Evolution and reclamation of our Divine birthright to LIVE in a state of Joy & Abundance.

We have been so conditioned that everything is outside of ourselves...

Thinking we need to do more, or have more, in order to FEEL a certain way...

It couldn't be more backwards.

We forget that everything is literally right HERE for us.  IT'S A FEELING, a FREQUENCY...

OUR NATURAL SOUL FREQUENCY that emits a signal attracting what is resonant, which simply flows.

There is no need to even waste energy on worrying about the "how" or the "when"...

IT BECOMES A GROUNDED KNOWING that we are ALWAYS supported, even when fear is present.

(And YES, this is a practice and process + continued commitment to your self and soul!  It's not about being perfect-- but rather, being awake, aware, and in our power.)

There have been many programs in place to suppress the consciousness of humanity for a VERRRRY LONG time.

Our DNA has been manipulated and there is dormant information that is now being activated even more in many Starseeds and awakened souls...

We have been cut off in many ways (or they attempted to) from our Divine nature and the full power of who we are as angelic beings...

WE HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED into a system that is so backwards, and NOW we are...

RETURNING to our natural state...

ASCENDING in frequency...

Expanding our consciousness...

REMEMBERING the full power of who we are, co-creating with our Divine self through our vessel.

The truth is, we are meant to BE IN FLOW with abundance in ALL WAYS.  It is literally our birthright.

It is our natural state.  


RECEIVING WHAT WE DESIRE is simply meant to be a byproduct of our existence!

WE ARE THE PHYSICAL EMBODIMENT OF GOD/SOURCE, experiencing ourselves in the flesh.

When we continue to AWAKEN to this KNOWING, and LIVE in alignment with our SOUL…

We open up to the RICHEST LIFE in every way, beyond our wildest imagination.

It’s not even about “having more money or physical things”. 

This is about BEING IN FLOW with the Source of who you are, vs being in resistance with the truth of who you are.


It's about following your JOY, reclaiming all aspects of YOU, and ALLOWING your DIVINE INHERITANCE TO OPENLY FLOW.

When resistance shows up, it is simply you resisting the FULL POWER of who you are...

Because of the programming, filters, belief systems, etc. (most of which were put into place WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT).

So now, we have the opportunity to expand, to fall deeply inn love with ALL aspects of who we are, and to...

FULLY RECLAIM our Power and Divine Inheritance + INTEGRATE our human self with our SOUL…

Divine Inheritance includes:

  • 5 Activating Transmissions diving into the lessons and concepts
  • 4 Light Language Activations to go with transmissions.
  • Lifetime Access to all replays.
  • BONUS: Lifetime Access to The Business of Being You (4 part Mastercourse valued at $333)

Some things we go into...

  • Unplug from the programming and conditioning based in lack, fear, doubt.
  • Jump timelines through raising your vibrational frequency & keeping your SOUL in the drivers seat.
  • Navigate contrast with compassion and grace when it DOES come up (so you can more easily move energy without judgement or stories)-- + energetic clearing declaration activations.
  • Protect your field from distorted frequencies that are being blasted out.
  • Merge with the Source of who you are, so you can more easily co-create the reality of your dreams.
  • Activate dormant information in your DNA to open and enhance your multidimensional gifts.

And so much more!

If this is speaking to you on a deep SOUL level-- you are meant to be in here!!!

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 All sales are final.

$444.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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